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Estée Lauder: Female Guerrilla Marketer 

Are you awed by the marketing savvy, strength, and perseverance of visionaries like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos? Does their commitment to building their respective brands (Apple, Tesla, and Amazon) into culture-changing powerhouses impress you? You should be impressed— considering their innovative, aggressive, unrelenting styles. Yet, if Jobs, …

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Brag About Your Brand to Build More Business

Does the word “brag” in the headline above bother you?  Does the idea of “bragging” about yourself or your brand make you uncomfortable?  That’s not surprising.  Many people put bragging in the same category as the “G word” (Greed).  Neither is illegal, but many of us are of the opinion …

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Do April Fools Gags Bring in Business for Brands?

If the April Fools gag works, the benefits to the brand of a well-thought out and successful April first joke are numerous. You get publicity. The brand name is mentioned in social media and around the virtual water cooler. If done right, you can increase awareness, generate interest and revenue, …

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Books and Podcasts Recommended by Local Leaders

“Leadership” is an often-used word in job descriptions and the mission statements of companies and non-profit organizations. Great leadership is usually linked to the success of the organization. That’s appropriate. But many successful people will tell you that leadership goes beyond the bottom line. Leadership is also about teaching, sharing …

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Marketing Madness: Winning Works Wonders

By Anthony Farris and George Farris Small colleges all across America work hard to recruit new students each year. Their marketing teams set up displays at college day forums, host open house events, send direct mail to qualified prospects, post clever and inspiring billboards. They appeal to alumni to encourage …

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Pay Attention to Podcast Popularity

I walked into the tiny reception area of my friend Jimmy’s office and saw the receptionist Marge at her desk. She’s a Russian immigrant in her early 80s who thinks retirement is for lazy people. Marge’s brass blonde hair is spun into an amazing beehive hairdo.  We chat for a …

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Marketing Lessons from Genghis Khan

If you were asked to name a marketing genius, who comes to mind? Would it be Apple’s Steve Jobs, who created beautiful consumer tech and our desire to own it? How about Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, who literally changed the way the world shops? Or, SpaceX and Tesla’s Elon Musk, who …

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How Celebs and CEOs Have Disrupted the News Media

“Never pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel.” is a quote often attributed to Mark Twain. It’s a warning, telling us to stay on the good side of newspaper publishers. The people who ran newspapers were powerful and could make you a hero or a reprobate …

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