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Shale Gas Boom Has Big Impact on Small Business

Everybody wants their share of the shale energy boom. And there’s nothing wrong with that — it’s as American as apple pie.

The enormous checks for mineral rights leases that were given out recently in northeastern Ohio have gotten a lot of people excited and talking about a midwest version of the “Gold Rush.” If you were one of the lucky few land owners who received one these checks, you’ve already felt the impact. But the impact on small business could be even greater.

Is It Real/Substantial?

Yes. A recent article in Wired by Peter Schwartz says natural gas will be king for the foreseeable future. Just a few years ago, “…domestic gas supplies were running out, demand was rising, and prices were skyrocketing. We were struggling to build enough gas import terminals. Fast-forward to today, and we’re trying to figure out how to convert those just-finished import terminals into export facilities.”

More and more vehicles are being converted to run on natural gas. DeBartolo Development (Eddie’s company) just got involved in natural gas fueling stations. I know the guy that runs that company for Eddie D. He’s smart — very smart. He’s in natural gas because he knows natural gas is the future.

What Impact On Business?

Big. Very big. And not just for the big companies. One of the unique features of this economic boom is that it opens the door to help a lot of smaller companies to grow. For producers and drillers to be able to capitalize quickly, they need to hire a lot of different types of subcontractors in specialties such as trucking, safety, surveying, testing, security, temporary housing, legal…every kind of support service and more.

The Only Obstacle Is You

A great motivator once said “There are plenty of obstacles in your path…don’t let yourself become one of them.” You can’t be one of those business owners who signs up on an energy company’s website and then just waits around and expects to be called and contracted. You have to do more. Or ten years from now, you’ll be sitting around wondering why you didn’t get a piece of the shale gas business when it’s all around us.

Standing Out Is More Important Now

In the past, you might have been able to slide by with limited attention to marketing. But if you expect to compete for the shale gas business, you have to stand out from your competitors. This is the time to improve your brand, your website and your sales strategy. Don’t stand by while everyone else enjoys the boom. Get busy. And get your share.

About The Author

  • Author | George Farris
George Farris is CEO and Senior Brand Coach at Farris Marketing. Connect with George on LinkedIn using the icons above.

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