The Yoga Marketing Plan

My palms are together as if I’m praying. But I’m bent at the waist and twisted to my right side. My right elbow is pointing to the sky (the ceiling) and my left points down to the floor or — as our instructor Kathy calls it — the earth. 
Yes, I am in Yoga class and I am twisted sideways looking at the butt of the guy next to me. It’s not a pretty sight. So since my hands are in position, I pray that I will be able to forget what I just saw. 
It was only my second class, but I realized that Yoga has a lot in common with a good marketing strategy. Just like in Yoga, your marketing plan needs balance, focus and power. Oh yeah…and you might feel a bit awkward at first. 
A common mistake of many organizations is thinking that marketing is primarily about choosing the right media. They put all the emphasis on media — and by comparison, spend very little time on the message.
It’s a balance — the message is at least as important as the media choice. Unless your message is centered on what matters to the prospect, you’re wasting both time and money. 
Your message must be important to the consumer, it must be believable, and it needs to set you apart form competitors. Balance your efforts between media and message.
What is the strongest offer or benefit that really rings true with your prospect? Stick with it. Find different ways of expressing it. But keep focused on what is important and enticing to the prospect. If most customers come to you because you’re fast, center your ads on speed, and create a campaign around it. Position yourself with a theme line that’s about speed.
It’s difficult to remember all the messages beamed at us every day. So focus on the one that works for you and your customers, and use it relentlessly.
I mentioned that you need balance and not too much focus on media. I stand by that. But once you’ve developed the message that clicks with consumers and have focused on it — STEP ON THE GAS.
Your message will do no good for you if nobody sees or hears it. You cannot consistently spend less on media than your competitors and expect to beat them. Like Yoga, it can be uncomfortable at times, but you can work your way up to the higher levels and really set yourself — and your product or service — apart.
OK…balance, focus and power. Feels good doesn’t it? Namaste (I bow to you.)

About The Author

  • Author | George Farris
George Farris is CEO and Senior Brand Coach at Farris Marketing. Connect with George on LinkedIn using the icons above.

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