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Take a Position/Build your brand

Take a Position
But not just any position. If you want your branding efforts to be successful, you need to develop a strong Positioning Statement. 
Use these guidelines —
  1. It’s what you’re the best at — what do you do better than anyone else in the market?
  2. It’s important — you have to be best at what really matters to your customers.
  3. It’s believable — there must be a plausible reason for you to claim you’re the best.
  4. It’s measurable — be specific and back up your claims. 
  5. It’s own-able — the claim can’t already be taken by someone else.
Now let’s go beyond positioning. Let’s talk about creating a memorable TAG LINE from your positioning.
Just to be clear, here are some examples from international brands that I am sure you know:
Just fill in the blanks…
  • What happens in Vegas_________. 
  • Pork! It’s the other_________
  • Wheaties! It’s the breakfast of _____________.
  • NIKE  Just_______________
  • M+M’s The milk chocolate that melts in your mouth, not _____________.
Now fill in the name of your company…
XYZ company and your tag line_____________ 
Yep, that’s what usually happens. But don’t be discouraged — you can develop a tag line once you’re aware of what you have to offer.
Now may be the time to RETHINK, REVAMP AND RENEW your brand, your positioning and your messages.
Take a look at:
  • Where you are now
  • Where you want to go
  • WHO you want to reach
  • WHAT you want them to know 
  • WHAT you want them to do.
BEFORE YOU PUT ALL THE CANDY ON THE BED and look at it…consider these common mistakes. In fact, there are seven that stand out.
7 Mistakes in Branding, Positioning and Messaging
  1. Spraying…saying nothing by saying everything.
  2. Creating a better mousetrap…and thinking you’ve created desire.
  3. Knowing all the answers…but never testing
  4. Forgetting that no one cares how great you are…they care how great you’ll make them.
  5. Being “creative” instead of effective.
  6. Changing your message too often.
  7. Failing to simplify…being hard to understand, difficult to buy

You can’t go wrong following these guidelines.
But this is JUST A START. Branding and Positioning is important work. When you take a position — it needs to be the right one.

About The Author

  • Author | George Farris
George Farris is CEO and Senior Brand Coach at Farris Marketing. Connect with George on LinkedIn using the icons above.

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